Jerome spent most of his 18 year old a bread lover,
he ate bread with everything and for every meal. One typical Sunday afternoon,
after finishing his usual Sunday lunch, with a healthy side of bread of course, he went on to continue what
he would usually do on any typical Sunday ; Sleep, but this would be no
ordinary Sunday. A few minutes passed as he gazed at his ceiling trying his
best to fall asleep, when he began to experience an immense headache, followed
by an uncontrollable urge to use the bathroom. Jerome spent the next 20 minutes
in the bathroom with a horrible case of diarrhea accompanied by the intense
headache and now, he also noticed an extremely itchy rash on his belly and
chest. Once he left the bathroom he went to his parents and they decided to
visit the doctor first thing Monday morning. When he got to the doctor’s office
and explained his ailment, the first thing they ordered him to do was take a
blood test and to also stop the consumption of bread until the test results
came back. Jerome however, was non-compliant and continued to consume his favorite
food for the next three days, with each day resulting in bowel movement and
excruciating headaches. On the fourth day, he was called back to the office and
the doctor revealed he may have celiac disease, but just to be sure, he would
like Jerome to take a biopsy of his small intestine. After the biopsy, the
results were as clear as could be, Jerome had celiac disease.
disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder caused by abnormal immune reaction to
gluten. When someone with celiac disease consumes any substance with gluten which
is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, their body rejects the gluten and
it cannot be absorbed. The body also launches an immune response against the
gluten which destroys the villi eventually flattening them which decreases the villi’s
ability to absorb nutrients. Celiac disease can lead to long term destruction
of the small intestine and can also lead to other help conditions such as:
- · Early onset osteoporosis or osteopenia
- · Iron deficiency anemia
- · Infertility and miscarriage
- · Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- ·
Gall Bladder malfunction
is a hereditary disease, thus it runs in the family, however, symptoms
may start to occur in people as early as childhood , or as an adult. There are
over 200 symptoms of this disease, but people with the disease may only see a
few symptoms when the onset of the disease begins, some symptoms are:
- · Vomiting
- · Chronic diarrhea
- · Discoloured teeth
- · Fatigue
- · Constipation
- · Irritability
- · Delayed growth and puberty
- · Depression or anxiety
- · Seizures
- · Migraines or headaches.
- · Itchy skin rash
One can test for celiac disease by blood tests or a biopsy of
the small intestine. For a positive test to occur for someone with celiac disease,
they must on a gluten containing diet. If positive, Tissue
Transglutaminase Antibodies (tTG-IgA) will be detected in the
blood, even if they show no symptoms of the disease.
Celiac disease, at present has no
cure, and the only way to cope with this disorder is to live a strict gluten-free lifestyle. So Jerome
, the bread lover will never be able to eat the love of his life, unless he
wants to destroy his small intestine in the process.
Very informative
ReplyDeleteI was able to overcome senile dementia via a complete naturopathic process.
ReplyDeleteAbout two years ago, when I was 56, I started feeling foggy and had occasional memory lapses. My wife, Mary, started to notice it, too, but I also have hearing issues so she thought that was the problem. My memory worsened very gradually over the years, and we lived with it, compensating as needed. I became less social. After some months thereafter, it got to the point where we couldn’t keep making excuses or ignoring it. I had gone from doing our grocery shopping without a list to going with a list, to having the list but not buying what was on it.
Mary went online to do some research, and it was during this process we had been fortunate enough to come across Dr. Utu Herbal Cure: an African herbalist and witch doctor whose professional works had majored on the eradication of certain viral conditions, especially dementia, ( improving the memory capacity positively), via a traditional, naturopathic process and distinguished diet plan. It was by the administration of this herbal specialist that I had been able to improve my condition for better. So to say, the encounter with the above-mentioned herbal practitioner was the first time we ever heard there was something that possibly can be done to improve my memory functionality.
By the existence of such an encounter, I was able to learn of the new approach by which this herbalist successfully treated dementia conditions, which included a distinguished herbal therapy and lifestyle changes of which I had undergone to a tremendous, positive effect.
It was after the completion of the herbal therapy I had started to experience a great deal of cognitive improvement when it came to rational decision making.
In brief, I was able to go through the dreadful hollows of senile dementia without any further hazardous damage to my health condition, and within a short period. Had it not been for the support of my wife, of whom had encouraged me to undergo the above-mentioned therapy and that of the herbal practitioner of whom now happens to be benefactor - I would have been long exposed to the further perils of this condition and of which had been apt to result to a calamitous end.
I would also wish for the same positiveness upon patients who may happen to be suffering from this debilitating disease, and would warmly beseech them to find a confidant like this herbal specialist with whose professional service I was able to complete a divine recovery.
For further information concerning this African traditional cure for Alzheimer's disease; feel free to contact Dr. Utu directly via email: