The Immune system is the organs and processes of the body that provide resistance to infection and toxins. Its job is to basically recognize substances of the body and destroy foreign substances that are likely to be harmful to the body. White blood cells which are known as macrophages destroy the bacteria as soon as they are detected. As the flu persists, more powerful defenses called B and T lymphocytes are activated. B cells make antibodies that bind to a virus to stop it from replicating and tag viruses so other cells know to destroy it. Whereas, T cells act as alarm to detect invading viruses and others kill virus infected cells. The production of mucus, the body pains, nausea and diarrhea are all efforts to get the virus out of the body. Once, the fever begins to decrease it is a sign that your body is winning the battle against the virus. Also, as soon as it’s cleared, a small number of special B and T cells retain accurate memory of the destroyed virus.
But what makes some of us immune to Influenza? Is it because our immune systems are weak or strong? There are several possible reasons why July may not get sick during the flu season, one of which is that she may have built immunity to the disease over time. Your body remembers every germ it encounters, so July could have been exposed to the flu multiple of times. She also could be leaving a healthy lifestyle where she manages her stress and her sleep quite well, also exercises and eats healthy foods. However it does not mean that my immune system is weak but however that there are different types of influenza that my body is encountering for the first time. The immune system is not readily weak on its own, but different factors do however affect the immune system and how it deals with invading viruses, causing it to be weak. For instance stress, drugs or chronic illnesses.
So, for those of you who are "sickies" like me and catch the flu every time the flu season comes around, here are some prevention and treatments to deal with the flu.
- get vaccinated each year
- avoid close contact with sick people
- wash your hands thoroughly
- Do not share
- get plenty of rest
- drink plenty liquids; preferable water and citrus juices, or herbal teas
- use aspirin or ibuprofen for body aches and headaches
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