Wednesday 19 April 2017


It started with a reoccurring shortness of breath (dyspnoea) and a nasty occasional cough.  She had also notice it had become a difficult task for her to complete her daily exercises because it was difficult for her to breathe.  Jenny obviously pushed it away until it got worse.  On conducting her own research, she found a disease called emphysema which entailed some of her symptoms.  The cough was as result of mucus production and she then realised she had another symptom she did not even realised "pursed-lip breathing."  To empty trapped air the individual would purse their lips, leaving only a small opening. Then upon exhaling, the lips cause obstruction of the flow of air, increasing pressure in the collapsed airways, and opening them, allowing the trapped air to empty.
Image result for emphysema animation
She then decided it was time for a check-up.  At her doctor’s office, it was concluded that she had a "barrel chest," which was common in people with emphysema.  The distance from the chest to the back becomes more pronounced. This is a result of air becoming trapped behind obstructed airways.
Emphysema symptoms:
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Tightness feeling in the chest
  • Barrel-like distended chest
  • Constant fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Morning headaches
  • Weight loss
  • ankle swelling
  • difficulty concentrating
Emphysema/obstructive lung disease is a long-term, progressive disease of the air sacs found in the lungs it is due to over-inflation of the alveoli.  The alveoli walls are destroyed, this is a dangerous disease because the alveoli tissue is involved in exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide).  It produces abnormally big air spaces that will remain filled with air even during exhalation.
Emphysema is part of the disease COPD/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with chronic bronchitis.  Chronic Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes which creates mucus.  These two diseases usually occur together.
What could have been the cause of this disease she though not aware that her father’s cigarette habit had caught up with her. This disease can be caused by smoking either second-hand or first-  hand, pollution, exposure to dust or fumes.  A small number of people develop emphysema from the disease alpha 1-antitrpsin deficiency which is an inherited disease. 

 Sadly emphysema can not be cured but treatment can be used to lessen symptoms. 
  • A bronchodilator may be suggested by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease. It can be used to help relieve coughing, shortness of breath and breathing problems by relaxing constricted airways.
  • Inhaled steriods which may help relieve shortness of breath. 
  • Antibiotics help if you develop a bacterial infection. 

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation are breathing exercises and techniques that may help reduce your breathlessness and improve your ability to exercise.
  • Nutrition therapy provides proper nutrition usually doen in early stages of emphysema.  many people need to lose weight, while people with late-stage emphysema often need to gain weight.
  • Supplemental oxygen done usually in severe case isIthe use of oxygen regularly at home.
  • Lung volume reduction surgery in this procedure done to get rid damaged lung tissue which improves breathing.
  • Lung transplant is an option when all has failed.


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